Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Stick and Suck..

Whew what a day. Honestly I thought it would never come to a close. This morning the alarm broke out in song at 6am, which even our Dear Bryan dog was not willing to leave the comforts of bed at this ungodly hour. I managed to wash up and get semi dressed.. trying to find the courage of the unknown that was about to reveal itself before me... When you and your partner finally come to a realisation that this whole TTC thing really isn't all shyts and giggles. There comes a time when you have to look at other options. As a couple you have to make this decision fully and completely together, you both have to support the idea of even considering such an invasive task. I mean lets face it, its one thing to tell the doctors you are having sex 3 times a week, its another to have your doctor tell you if its OK to even have sex, and on what day you will be having sex. I am very fortuneate that I have such a wonderful support system in place with my husband and the many brave and strong women that have gone before me in their own journey. It is their strength which gave me the assurance that this was the right thing for us to do at this time. To those ladies, my mom and my loving husband I thank you. I opened the office door that I had walked in many times as a patient of the doctor, but this time it felt different. I wasn't here to see the doctor, we weren't going to review my charts, we weren't taking my temperature, nor were chit chatting about what directiong we MIGHT go in a few cycles from now. I was in to the other half of the office, the fertility clinic. This time was going to be different.. I have nicknamed these wonderful monitoring precedures as the stick and suck... one because the nurse stick you with needles to retrieve any blood out of any little vein she can fish in and find, secondly because they stick what appears to be a dildo cam up your woohoo and RAM it up your woohooo, pushing, prodding and plottng out your ovaries. And I say suck because they suck every last penny out of your bank account to preform such procedures to you. When I walked in and signed my name in like I was told to do during our $100 information session. I sat down and not even 5 minutes went by before I was called in I did my blood work and was given my HUGE [note my sarcasm] vial of drugs for 6 whole days... I began to write the cheque, total cost $770.00 for 6 days worth of medication... Yes hello Nurse can you get off my back, your crushing my smokes.. Holy shit.. Ok no panick I haven't quite woken up yet. ok over to the hospital.. for my full bladder swishing and sloshing with me to get my full pelvic, oh I was hoping they would be quick to call me, I was beginning to feel like ol faithful... push and poke and pull and stretch, my bladder was doing backflips during the u/s.. finally I got the go ahead to completely empty my bladder for the next u/s.. the trans vaginal during my period. Now here was a wonderful thing, at least I was permitted to insert the offending object on my own.. now I felt jipped, aren't these things supposed to vibrate at least? Hey Nurse, are you all in there at once? yeesh... All in all I was more upheaved about the money I just spent and I did drive home at 80mph like Marie does with an HPT when AF is a millisecond overdue. (Remember the pledge...LOL)..just to submit the claim to my insurance company. I got the call this afternoon, that my tests came back this afternoon as all good to go, andI start the pincushion routine on Wednesday.


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