Thursday, June 08, 2006

Whats in the water?

I was not prepared. I don't know why, I should always be.. I mean where I work its a gaurantee that I will see someone pregnant during the day. But I wasn't ready to see 3 co-workers suddenly in maternity clothing all at once. Our uniforms do a good job at hiding these things, then suddenly women remove their duty belts and untuck their shirts and the whole world knows. I wanted to die. I am beginning to hear the "whats in the water here?" comments again (re: 11 coworkers pregnant at once last year saga) I want to shout "I drink the same fucking water! I sit in the same fucking chairs! and NOTHING NADA! FUCK DAMMIT!". So this is the total count... 7 coworkers currently seen at least 50% of my days of work, 4 pregnant neighbours, and 2 pregnant friends. (Not to mention all the regular blogs, buddy groups and such are all pregnant/parents/or drifted to a halt) I think I will be seriously considering medicating now. I have returned to the homeopath. She is starting me up aggressively again, because as usual I fucked up and now my body is all out of whack again (stress? Depression? anger? grief?). I am back to bleeding constantly so I hope that the double doses of iron really clear this up soon.


Blogger Thalia said...

It's really hard. It seems there are baby showers constantly at work. I just try and get through the day, and my assistant knows that I am always too busy to go to a shower. It's just really hard.

6/10/2006 02:31:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tracey!

I haven't been around the IF BG forever but was wondering how you are doing. I'm sorry to read that you're having such a hard time...I know how that feels.I hope you are able to go for the IVF sooner than later (fingers crossed).

As for me, I've stopped TTC. I found it was consuming my life and making me very unhappy, and for whatever reason I just had a shift one day and I'm actually ok with plans to adopt or anything, just going to get on with my life.

Sending you lots of sticky, fertile vibes!

Take care,

6/12/2006 06:40:00 p.m.  
Blogger TraceyF said...

Krista I am so happy you came by..
I understand how you feel. I have not exactly been by o soft as of late either.

Please stay in touch no matter what.

I really think you are an amazing woman.



6/13/2006 09:26:00 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel exactly the way you do, and me and my husband tried the same time as 3 other couples, who ALL got pregnant immediately, and then they uncomfortable stares. Makes me feel like I'm not a real woman. But today is a new day for you!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your BFP~!!!...and Rena..what an amazing day today is. God Bless!!

6/30/2006 07:34:00 a.m.  

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