Wednesday, August 23, 2006

D Day Tomorrow

We have another follow up appointment with Dr. P. I have butterflies in my stomach at the thought. I am so afraid that C's Chromatin fragment will be high. I keep having this sinking feeling that this is the end of the road for us regarding children. I am trying to brace myself for the news. Slowly through the past few weeks and months I have been accepting our childless fate. We have decided that even if the chances are grim we will go through with the IVF on this really off chance it may work, and if it doesn't then we can say that we at least tried. I will need to put my foot down tomorrow though, if Dr. P wants to do more tests I think it will take all my strength to not leap across the desk and choke the bitch. 4 years of testing is enough and I have reached the end of my tolerance for vag cams, garden hose sized needles, pissing on sticks, Sleeping with thermometer in hand, reading saliva slides at 3am , jerking off C in bathroom stalls, or worse screwing in a bathroom stall only to 'spread em' 20 min later for the doc to see the leftovers (My personal fav). Honestly, the amount of paperwork the ministry of health has on C and I and our sexuality would absoloutely be as thick as a novel by now, Tests for HIV, STDs, Hepatitis, Rubella, Pneumonia, Mono, any 56 of the most communicable diseases including Ebola(thankfully that came back negative, apparently a possibility because of our jobs) anti phospholipid antibodies (say that 3 times fast), other antibodies (NK cells) came back slightly elevated, We are happy to note that neither C or I are Cystic Fibrosis carriers, nor do we posses any gene triggers for down syndrome, trisomy, even flipping colour blindness. Hormone tests, glucose tests. I think C and I have spent a little too much time in labs, when the receptionist knows you by first name and can pinmark the vein on your arm in record time, it really is time to stop.


Blogger Thalia said...

I'm glad you and C are slowly working things through. And I am overwhelmed at all that testing - you have been through a lot! I do hope that Dr P has got the message and will be in super-helpful mode tomorrow.

8/23/2006 02:28:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that your appointment goes well tomorrow!

8/23/2006 02:58:00 p.m.  

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