Hello Wrench, welcome back to my plans...
Yup..The ET is cancelled. Our embies and plans ut on ice. I knew things were going way too smooth..
C and I are quite upset but we know that my health is more important. Since I have fluid built up around my kidneys I had to wait on Dr.P's decision.. I knew it was game over, after spending 2 hours driving to Markham in the rain and thunder with a full bladder stuck in traffic with my stick shift I had to spend 2 agonizing hours in the office waiting for the doctor,while pregnant women paraded past me one by one all happy and giggling. I finally fell apart on the nurse coordinator who took pity on me and put me in her office. The Doc came and saw me there, She explained everything to me and I had an excruciatingly long lonely drive home. C booked off and came home (2nd time in history) from work, He had to listen to me cry the whole drive home and in the other ear he was listening to his coworkers call in a double homicide involving 2 kids under 5. It has been a long hard journey for us, we are definitly bruised and abused. We talked and cried and spoke to the clinic and we are going onwards to our FET in the New Year. If that faiils then we will try IVF again next year
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Oh Tracey, I am so sorry you have been thrown a wrench. This just really sucks. I do hope that you feel better and don't have any more problems with all the fluid you have going on in there.
Sometimes, life just sucks. FET's do work though, so I hope you can manage to look forward to it.
I will be thinking about you.
Damn wrench. :( I'm sorry Tracey.
FETs do work but it's hardly a consolation at this point is it?
Thinking of you.
I'm sorry, Tracey! Stupid and rude wrench!
Just so very sorry...
I'm sure that if they made that decision, that it really is the best decision for you. However, I also know how bloody hard it is to have a cycle stopped like that, so I do understand the crappiness. I'm so glad C got his act together and came home to support you.
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