Monday, October 02, 2006

Men are from Mars..

OK I love C dearly, and although we have had our moments, (God have we ever) it just never ceases to amaze me on how different we really are. Post ER I have been really tender and well downright sore at times. The clinic is making me measure my weight and drink all this gatoraide (doesn't salt retain water?) ok well whatever.. they are obviously going to do another scan for OHSS before they do the transfer on Thursday... so I am trying really hard to make sure I am ok for Thursday. Went off on a rant there, but hey.. ok so since i am so sore I can't do all the things I normally do. C was supposed to be helping me this weekend, but as usual when I am sick he seems to still expect me to continue my housefull duties and put food on his plate, clean and make sure his uniform is pressed. I found myself doing these very things when I supposed to be resting and what was my Knight in shining armour doing? Playing video games on the Xbox. (We only have 1 TV so this really made for short fuses when one is supposed to have her feet up). I explain to my darling enchante that my mom is coming Thursday because I can't be running around post transfer, he gets insulted.. well I was going to look after you.. Oh stop me.. How he looked after me this past weekend? uhm No Thanks.. I'll skip your care there Mother Theresa.. Long story short he tells me I need to make him a list of things to do to ease my work load. So I say this I need you to make the bed when you get up. I need you to change the sheets. Fold the laundry when the dryer finishes make dinner when you are hungry, I generally am too. Put away dishes. if the dishwasher is full run the wash, if its full and clean empty it. Take the dogs out, you know they need to go a couple times a day.. feed them too they like that. If you take it out, put it away. that really helps .. OK he says.. but I couldn't help but be absoloutely stunned that he was soo clueless on this.. I had to take it that step further.. I say, You know no one makes this list for me, I just open my eyes and look around, when I see it needs to be done, I do it.. No one actually tells me when it needs to be done either. I swear they believe in the House Hippos that come and do everything while they sleep..


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dear,

I have been lurking & want to send you tonnes of dust. I will check in this eve on you. Glad ER went well and hope that ET will go great too.

10/04/2006 02:36:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Men. I think that is all that needs to be said!

10/04/2006 07:49:00 p.m.  

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