The Couple that Shoots Up Together, Stays Together
I had C do all my injections asides from the Puregon pen tonight. Secretly I think he enjoyed stabbing me with sharp objects. He as always is very maticulous and accurate. He is involved in the process now and I am not sure but I think he wants to be. I am not pushing him or asking him to do this or that or hear endless thoughts on maturing eggs and hormones as such. I don't even think he knows what he shot me with.. Later he asked me if I was getting another scan tomorrow morning, I say yes and he is suddenly interested in coming with me again.. until the alarm sounds at 5 that is. This is the first time he has ever seemed excited about something related to ttc.. all other times he has been really reserved and left the responsibility to me. I won't deny it, I am enjoying every moment of it, if he could take all the info for me and I didn't need to know anything it would be great... but I don't think he is THAT excited.
Maybe he's beginning to understand that you need a partner in this? I hope so. It's too hard to be solely responsible for it all.
I think having your partner do the injections keeps him involved and part of the process. I'm so glad to hear things are going well with the two of you.
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