Wednesday, September 20, 2006

CD 2 Needle Poke Count 1

OK so I totally forgot how much I HATE the fucking pill. I was a nasty son of a bitch this time when it came to PMS. Holy cow I had no idea who this person was, but jesus watch out if you got in my way. Ok so Day one was Monday (Sunday was one of those yucky OMG I have cramps to die with and heavy spotting). Tuesday I got up at the crack of 5 (This should be illegal on vacation- but this really isn't vacation is it) and dragged my tired butt through the shitty morning commuter traffic [side note : how the hell do you 9 - 5 ers do this everyday? I completely understand road rage at this point, I will keep my sheltered shift work life] . I pick up a coffee (yeah I know your not supposed to have caffeine - kiss my ass - I had to get up at 5am and somehow have the wits to drive an hour to this appointment) I firgure since I have to have a full bladder for this ultrasound that I can start drinking about halfway down and get there with a full enough bladder to get this over with. I have a back up of 2 bottled water too. 1 large Timmys coffee and 1 bottled water later I am sitting in the waiting room of the clinic with a number in my hand. The air conditioning that is being pumped at my back has sent my kidneys into overdrive and my back teeth are beginning to float. Pain is swelling in my abdomen and I fear that any quick movement may result in me standing amungst a huge puddle of coffee induced pee. I scan the number of women that are to be before me... 1 ... 2... 3.... 4...5...6... Holy shit.. I am 7, one by one they file into get their blood drawn, just my luck the lady before me wants to chat about everything for a few minutes with the lab tech.. "hellloooooooo, I am about to piss myself I want to chime in".. Finally I get in, I can barely sit because the pressure in my belly is soo intense I want to cry. I get through the needle poke without a leak and set myself back in a line for the U/S I dance, I strain.. I have to let a little out, so I head to the bathroom and relieve myself a little, yay less pressure. The coordinator calls me in to get me to pay for my u/s and stuff $850.00 I can barely sign because the pressure has rebuilt by now and I am thinking one thing.. urinate... some nurse has a waterfall picture on her screensaver, I thought you cruel bitch.. all I needed to hear was one of those zen waterfall things and I would be a mess. Finally I get my name called.. its been so long and the pressure is so great that I take a few long seconds to register that my name is indeed being called. Finally relief overcomes me as I rush to the washroom and empty my bladder, I never savoured a pee soo much. Later I get the call saying that my progesterone was 7 and too high to begin stimming so I would have to retest for day 3.. Oh Yay


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh, the best pee is always after you are forced to hold it!

9/20/2006 09:10:00 p.m.  

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