Can I get that in writing Doc?
Well I wouldn't be me, without quoting Will Ferguson in thinking the Canadian News Headlines should still read "Canada Going to Hell in a handbasket"
I would like to hear one of the party leaders stand up and say.. Our health care system is outdated, overwhelmed, and like Traceys fertility.. Inadequate.
Fuck! Just say it! Get it over with, Bring in the real guns.. You can't tell me as a Canadian that Healthcare DEFINES you.. it doesn't.. it doesn't separate you from our US counterparts.. its a POLICY and a voting strategy.. and it keeps us trapped and chained to caregivers (that is an oxymoron if I ever heard).. Bring me private healthcare, I will sign up.
I am BITTER..Let me first begin by saying this as my disclaimer. I am a bitter scorned bitch of a woman who seems to have incompetence orbit her universe at every angle...
We must start from the beginning..
I *knew* something was wrong with me as a teen. I *knew* I had some sort of issue... My doctor at the time, not only laughed my concerns off, but did something considered completely acceptable in our health care climate, he denied me treatment from an OBGYN until I got married and had to march my husband into the office with me, he never investigated my concerns, and I was trapped. You see once you have a family doctor in this country.. it is almost impossible to shake lose of them and shop around for another. I am annoying and persistent in this matter and after all these years have finally been successful in this chapter.
I lucked out, after my husband had our little meeting with my family doc, I was promptly sent to an OBGYN where she did an ultrasound and said, "you have polycystic ovaries,here is a pamphlet to read, goodluck" that was the end of our discussion, the end of our appointment, and the end of our patient doctor relationship..Pissed I had to return to my family doc, I read books on PCOS and it sounded like I was just given a reproductive death sentence. I then had abnormal cells on a pap result and I had to be sent to another OBGYN that performs colposcopy's well that was my ONLY visit with that cow. When I looked at her and said I would rather die a thousand deaths of cancer than to sit in front of you again, its not just BEDSIDE manners, its about having an understanding that this is a PERSON in your office, and even if your overworked and overtired (but you don't mind cashing that fat paycheck) and you hate answering the sae stupid questions over and over, This is your profession, this is what you are paid to do, gone to school to do, if it pains you that much to deal with people, go into research.. spare the PERSON before you the anguish of having to discuss such intimate things with an uncaring nasty bitch.
Ok so as you can tell she never worked out, nor did the RE that reread over and over again a statement where I said I would not reconcile with my husband for at the time of our appointment we had separated, but later reconciled and were now sitting in her office and she was rereading and reopeningwounds my husband did not need to feel.... "Hi the PEOPLE you have sitting before you, have to leave this office after and work this out yet again, maybe stop reading that now, we understood it the first time"
This brings me to the DrB.. Poor JB.. for once a doc that appears to care came around and I actually felt comfortable with him for the most part. Except that he had no memory what so ever.. but then again he is busy.. its the nurse that ran the show at the clinic that sent me packing from there.. (RE: I smell a COD)
So here we go again up to Dr. O.. new clinic new day.. new hope.. or not. Okay if your going to blow smoke up my ass, be careful what kind of smoke you blow.. after going around the block THIS much and double checking every answer the docs give (as you can see I have been burned a few times) Don't tell me that progesterone can cause a false positive pregnancy test.. especially if the test was taken prior to the use of progesterone. Don't PRETEND to read my chart, especially upsidedown in front of me.. Don't tell me standing in front of you with a positive pregnancy test that I most likely did not ovulate nevermind be pregnant because you weren't the one to squirt the juice up there at the time and confirm my ovulation. Maybe women with little experience or even those that have tried awhile but are still mystified by it all can be blown that crap and believe it, but frankly if I have to put my name on a bank note and send it your clinics way.. you best not be holding smoke and mirrors....
In the words of my family doc.. are we done with the craptacular, lets move on to a professional.